Tuesday 22 December 2015

By Reader's Demand - I Was Desperate To Save My Job [Part Two] By Mufundisi Dzindi

Ndini uya uya wekufirwa naboss tichiita bonde kumba kwangu. Back to normal, Babamunini Charlie was just like his brother, asi ivo vaiva vapfupi zvekuma 180 cm. 

He stood by me during trying times. He always said that in the absence of his brother Max and Tafadzwa junior were everything he had. He would fly in every weekend from South Africa and spend the weekend with us. He clicked very well with my own daughter.

His love for the kids was just too much. They became so close nana Junior zvekuti everytime vakuenda paiita problem. For the whole year, bamunini Charlie Bvudzijena became part of us. Vanhu vakatombofungira fungira kuti ndagarwa nhaka, zvekuti at one time taendesa vana kwaaa gogo vacho ndakatombonzwa vachitsiurwa namai vavo kuti watotora mukoma vasina kusharuka inyaya ka iyi? Vakangoseka seka vachichinja nyaya. The same kumba kwedu vaitotora Vhudzijena semukuwasha. But the truth was hapana yaivepo.

Was I the one in love? But hell no! I was not going to repeat the same fatal mistake of luring his brother to death nge sexing. The whole week i was trying to figure out what exactly was going on in me, the more I tried not the think about it, the more I thought about him. Funny enough this is my weakness. What I want is not what I do, what I do is not what I want to do. I respected him, he respected me, and I preferred it that way. Now apa zvanga zvatondibata so.
By Reader's Demand - I Was Desperate To Save My Job [Part Two] By Mufundisi Dzindi

From the time we knew each other panhamo yebrother yake, we spoke about everything life can offer, but not the very social side of life. Handina kumbonzwa vachitaurawo nyaya yemusikana kana mukadzi. He was not a young man, because he was nearing 40 years. But munongozivawo gana remari zvarinoita. Bvudzijena vaiita kunge vanogeza nemukaka. His character towards children aratidza kuti he loves family and he is a very caring man. Though ndaiwana mari inokwana to fend for the family, he would tell me to keep my change nditengere maparents angu sugar. Once in a while aiva supriser nemagroceries zvakare. Akndikumbira kuti pese pandinenge ndawana mukana ndisvike kucompany kwake ndichiona kuti zvakamira sei. I was introduced to his staff as a non executive director but with right to interrogate the system.

Maybe questioning him was going to ruin our companionship which was so good, why not letting sleeping dogs lie?. Still, I could not stop thinking about him and his life. Aah ndomubvunza ini, because bonde ndakurida, why would I continue punishing myself apa gore ratopera ndisna kana kumbonzwai. Baba juniors the late akanga anyatsonditasanura nayo akabvisa dzungu rese. Ndakange ndanakirwa nayo ini ini those few hours ndakanzwisisa kuti vakadzi takasikirwa bonde, zvimwe zvose zvatinoita i part time.

Zvetuma comments twataiita semasingle kuti hanzi hee ini handina basa nemurume, hee vibrator, hee mabonde toys, kuvaraidzana kwevashaya chaiyo, uye kusimbisana out of frustration because varume vacho they are dogs tym tym. Oohrimwe zimbwa rinemuswe werata rinonziTrevor rakarovera England no comms. Hausi humbwa here ihwohwo? Ranga rapera gore apa handina kuibata vibrator asi yaivamo mumba, I now knew kuti haifanani neya Bvudijena, asi rufuwo futi vasikanaka rwakandiitira jealous ini, ndange ndazvibatira dhara rangu.

Usually bamunini Charlie is a busy man, so I would rather not disturb tozotaura manheru pavanofona vachinzwa kuti vana mukanya mukanayairi vainge vaswera sei. Hameno zvandaingonzwa so, I could not wait for some more minutes. Ndakaibata 4n ndikakanda massage pa whats app, testing waters and he responded and we chatted for the whole afternoon. I was straight to the points and sometime being very aggressive, but ndakaona kuti murume murume chokwadi. Vakandipindura zvose zvandakange ndabvunza in a very positive way.

The chatting continued manheru and takapotsa taita pungwe tiri pachat. Hapana chakasara kutaurwa apa, kunze kwekutipfimbana chete. Even maHIV status takabvunzana nekutumirana maproof ema test tubes. Saka kana Trevor akauya munodzokera kwaari here gulez? Mubvunzo uyu wakandirovesa hana, and I did not know why he asked and zvanga zvauya sei? I avoided kuupindura kunge munhu abatwa nehope.

On Friday ndakaendesa vana kwaana mhamha zvese namaid, he was not going to see the kids till Saturday, kana zemo rakubata munhu unombofunga neburi pfungwa dziripo so.

I made sure he house was decorated in an appetizing way, I sprayed one of the most expensive air fresheners. I wanted him, I wanted to enjoy life to its fullest with him.I was determined to get him for good, and zvekunzi single single iye munhu achirara mummba manhu 3 night every week being separated by walls kwaive kupusa ikoko. Hmaeno ndaida kuzoita murume wokutopakatwa mumaoko here. I prepared his favourate dinner, ko ndairizivazve and I just did that.

Ndakapinda mubath and prepared myself, including shaving clean my pussy, and ndainzwa ripfura pfura pandaishevha. Raida bonde, zemo range randibata. I dressed for the dinner under candles occasion. Vanhu vanoti kuzvara kunoita udai dai ini ndange ndabatana manje, better than pandaiva musikana. Ndega ndaizvinzwa kuti I am no longer ordinary quality. Pafb ndaiti ndikaisa prof pic yangu I would get more than 100 hot comments. Ndozvange ndava izvozvo, above all I knew how to decently dress for the kill. Zvimapenzi zvekubasa kwedu zvange zvakungogara zvichiti ko vaigodii Bvudzijena?

I switched of all lights ndikbatidza macandles kunge ZESA yange yaita zvinhu zvayo. The house looked ready for hosting a very special occasion, everything ready for the kill. Pavakasvika ku past I was more than ready for him, Ndakavatambira nehug ndokuvakisa padama ndichitora his laptop and led the way in. He froze for a while because all the time ndange ndisati ndmbozviita, apa ndanga ndakachenawo sei? Even a blind man would see how beautiful I am in the darkness. Aah gulez kuchena kudaro murikuda kuendepiko husiku huno, I hope my presence is not disturbing your plans. Akadaro achiruma ruma muromo apa ndichinyatsofeeler kuti his eyes were on my alluring heaps.

Ahh baba mwana mazuvano zvatove zvekutochena chena mungazotisiya muchinotsvaga vamwe kana makuda kukanda pakichen. I replied without even looking at him ndichitambisa nyama dzemagaro as we got in the house. I expected further questioning but he rested his case, maybe I had hit the nail on the head.

One thing I like about him, he very observant, his first comment was that the house was decorated like I had invited the president for dinner. Izvi zvinopasa manyemweka izvi kuti waitira munhu chinhu obva aita recognize and appreciate your effort, ndovanonzi varumezve ivava. I turned smiling at him and said that I just thought of a two people function, just for the two of us, for I had a few words. Eyes locked for some seconds before he drifted away. He sat down ini ndichinorongedza laptop.

We enjoyed dinner under the candles, but he was stiff with astonishment nezvandaiita, and capitalizing on surprise panics is my strength.

Ukatongobvuma kukandwa shock neni wapera basa. Ndakava softer kusvika shasha yanyatsosununguka mushe mushe. The weakest point in a man`s life is when he sees sexy boobs; he stops thinking with his brains, and his prick takes over. Hahahahhaaha I know mana do not like this statement but genuine statement.

I am talented, God gave me a a gift of pear shaped average sized boobs, kana kumboita semunhu arikayamwisa kana. Maziso emurume akaita kunge anamirwa neglue pamamazamu angu ini ndikachiitawo mawara ndichifambisa chest in a sexy style, kuita kunge chair yandainge ndakagara yaive isiri comfortable. I looked at at him with sexy and appealing eyes deliberately sucking my pointing finger kunge chana chirikunanzva munwe wakokota dovi paguyo.

’’ Gulez your chest is too good for my eyes,handisati ndamboona a beautiful and sexy chest like yours, I must confess that you are the most beautiful woman on earth, and you can win any beauty contest in this world’’ Bvudzijena vakahumana vakatarisa tarisa mikaka yangu ndikanyatsoona kuti pfungwa dzaperera apa. I giggled and said thanks daddy, but these are the same boobs you see every weekend on same me, nothing has changed Mukanya. I softly slapped him on the chick and said;

“ I wish one day... if not today they will feel the pleasure of your tongue if yo really mean your words..’’ ndakadaro ndichitsinira maziso asi ndakavatarisa, Havana chavakakwanisa kupindura, but he opened his mouth dumbfounded. Kutoshamisika zvavo? Ndozvandodaka ini Chihera special, my time was now!

“Bamunini, I just want to thank you for being by my side during the most trying times. From the day I knew you my life have never been the same. My sons and daughter have never missed fatherly love. You fulfilled everything a father can do, you supported us. Socially and financially, you are an excellent dad for the family. I just want to say thank you Mukanya, kukanyairi vanokanyaira semombe! Vanaisi vemvura vakatarisa dombo rikadhonha . ....’’ ndakamudetembera chidawo chake kusvika chapera and he attentively listened without interrupting or shifting his eye contact from my eyes as if he was searching for the truth behind my voice.

‘’....i can’t give you anything material because you have everything, but please just accept my hug of appreciation, and wherever you will be, just remember us. I feel so honored buy your humbleness towards me and kids’’ Ndakadaro ndichisimuka opening my arms ready for him. My eyes were full of tears right from the pith of my heart

Varume vanombopusa zvamunoona ukange wanyatsomugadzirira size yake. Bamunini vakatadza kana kutaura chaiko. Akanditarisa akashama muromo kunge gatawa akagara, ndakanyatsoona kuti bamboo vapererwa ava and with an encouraging voice I said please Bvudzijena just hug me, just for once.

Akasimuka and we were in each other’s arms. Kubatwa nemurume waunoda kunonakidza vasikana, the satisfaction of his touches were just outside this world, feeling warmth of his soft arms around me, ndakanyatsogutsikana uye kunzwa kuzara kunyatsova mukadzi akakwana ndichinzwa hana ya Charlie ichiroverana neyangu.

For some minutes we were heavily breathing in each other’s arms as our bodies adjusted to each other tightening the grip of our arms, I felt his smiling heart in my capillaries, arteries and veins. kunetsa hako kwezvinhu asi kuwanawo anokuda wekurarira pachipfuva zvakapinda kunakisa.

‘’You are so hot gulez..’’ he stammered, as he tightened his hands around me. It became more than just a hug, exactly what I wanted. Foreheads came together, nose softly clashing and we were kissing. Deeply pushing my tongue in him and he softly grilled it, sucking it dry. Ngakanzwa kadzungu ku zwee, but I knew that I was safe because the way he held me hapana pandaidona napo. I moved my body in a circular style, squeezing it against his, the pleasure of my breasts squeezing against his chest was too good.

I don’t know how, but somehow I ripped open his shirt button and cupped my hands on his ribs, feeling his soothing warmth in my hands.

Ndakadzipuruzira mbabvu ndichieenda nechekumusana murume akatanga kufema kunenge kutaura kunenge kugomera, at the same time enjoying the feeling yekuvhita vhita kwaiita banana rake right on my pubic area.

Ndakavhura makumbo mbijana kupa mukana wekuti makumbo apindane takamira kudaro. Paiitika zvose izvi kiss yaingotsva apa and I realized kuti maoko avo ange atoinvader mabums angu live, kadress nenguva yakange katove muwaist mangu. Ndakambomira ndichiteererera unyanzvi hwaiitwa nemaoko ake, the pleasure from his drives was excessive and too good to ignore Kune varume vanogona kukisser apa ane mukanwa munonaka munge murifresh. Anga angova magetsi muviri wese.

Without saying a word ndakatendeudzwa, Ndakamboda kuita nharo, I wanted romance a bit more but the command from his hands was very instructive, chero vasina chavakataura. I followed the order, facing the same direction ndakasvinyangwa mazamu zveinge zvenharo arimudress muviri wese ukadairira. I also teased his penis with my bum ndichiita kunge munhu ari kudancer,handibvume defeat hands down ndombomira mira chaizvo and Chihera haadonhi zvekumhanya.

Ndakabata belt and undid it, ndakatarisa mberi kudaro I pulled the button retrouser ndikanzwa kuti dhaa! Nezip yacho chitevera, zvakabatana nepant ndikazvipushira down his knees. I was rough and a little bit aggressive as him, kadinner dress kandange ndakapfeka ndaksahaya kuti kakasvotorwa nguvai ndikati maiwe zvangu ndange ndato shama ndasara nebraa neka g string. But I was ahead of him because ndange ndakutoibonyora bonyora ichirova rova zviboda zvangu ndichiinzwa kuti vhu vhu vhu muruoko, ndichikoiirira zvekunge ndange ndatononokerwa nayo.

Pasina nguva braa range rave pasi ndakutotswinyirirwa tunyatso ndakatsinzinyira nekunakirwa. Kunevanhu vasina kukwana pasi pano, chokwadi munhu angagara gore rese nehunynzvi hwakadai? Uku kwandaive ndakabata ndaifeeler kuti kwange kwakaipa because mimwe yangu yaisasangana. Haana kupedza nguva ndakakotamiswa patable ipapo ini ndichii director corner kick, nepaside pekapant kange kanzwa katota nemuto waro. He was now gentile as he softly push it in, kune varume vekuti unongoona akagara apa kana achifamba but vanenge vakatakura mamoving asset.

Vakakovira vachiisa musoro chete and in handaizosaririrawo pakadaro. Ndakazungura buri ranyatsobatwa nenzarayekuda kumedza banana. I felt it inch by inch centimeter by centimeter, as it voyaged its way into my womb, matama eburi achikaka matinji achinyatsosungana netsinga dzebanana till ndakunzwa feeling yechoya chake chichimara mara magaro angu, it was fully in and ndainyatsonzwa buri rakaguta pasina paipinza mhepo..

OM Goish ndakabatwa nemazhandukira muviri wese and chibereko chakavhurika nekunakirwa. Ndakakoira ndamubata garo rimwechete pushing him in nekuti ndaida kunyatsnzwa parere moyo. Hazvina kutora maminutes I was cuming. Ndakaruma muromo ndikashinyira as I released.

Speed yakaita ichiwedzera zvishoma ne zvishoma ndikanzwa baba vaipirwa vakurovera bhora mberi. Ndakabatwa muchiuno kuiiswa paposition and ndakatakwa naro banana repeatedly hiting past g spot, ndazhamba ndichitunda zvakare, asi daddy havana kudzora tsvimbo , I pushed him backwards ndokuita zvekubata pasi chaipo ndainzwa ichistroker in and out muchibereko chaimo and in no time ndange ndakutunda futi, ndakanzwa ndakuita kunge munhu anepafari, muviri wese kuchishacker zvine power ndakaregedzera zvinepower and pakatanga kuita loudly audible sound yaikonzerwa nelubrication from my cum, papunani ichirohwa chete. Ukuwo nyama dzaiva nerythim yadzao padzaipondana wainzwa kuti pwaka pwaka pwaka, banana neburi ndozvaitaura Ndebele yandisina kunzwa.

Vairova makona ese zvawo eburi, ndakapotsa ndada kumira nemusoro asi ndakakundikana ini, ndakazovabata zvitsitsinho ini kuisa musoro pakati pemakumbo kuita kunge ndaida kudongorera pavarikurova buri rangu. In that position the penetration was to its extremities, half yebanana nehudhafu hwayo yaive muchibereko, ndakanzwa ndakupera simba mumakumbo avekubvunda.

The pumping from behind was just too much. Up 90 degrees ndikabata table apa zvange zvakuti speed zvikati force maiwe uku ndokukwirwa nebhinya chaiko, nhasi zvangu ndini ndofa apa. But I smelt the sperms; maybe it was just pre-cum yavanga vangoitawo.

After about twenty minutes of hard fucking vakavhomora vakandisiya ndobva varara pasi vakatarisa mudenga, and I was instructed to sit on it.

Dzaingotaura nemasigns no words. I had a chance yekuona chikara change chanditundisa zvekupenga zvizvo kwakuona ndeino hobvu yakareba isina kuchecheudzwa. Ndakai nzvonyora kuona musoro wakatsvukira and yakachena maybe yanga yasukwa neburi rangu, because ndaisingonzwa kuchinchinzi inenge inemasadza.

Ndakaigarira ndikati ndakuvaisaawo manje, ndakakurunga chiuno baba vakasimudza musoro and ini ndikaita lean forward ndichikurunga chete. Ha was pumping hard from the bottom , haa kune vanhu vakaoma pasi pano, I thought speed ichachinja but hey it changed for worse and my body could not resist the treat ndakatunda futi hameno kuti kechingani. Ndakashandwa ipapo, the good thing about this position ndeyekuti banana raienda pandinoda ini. I controlled penetration.

Akandipushira paside akamuka chop chop, akandibata kundirarisa pasi, iye pamusoro, chimbi chimbi ndakaitsvanzvadzira kuinangisa pamukova and it was game on. Ndakakwenywa zvemhando yepamusoro, makumbo akaiswa pamafudzi, he pushed me forward achindiunganidza kuita kahobho so chiuno chakasimuka mudenga, buri rese pachena. Dad vakabata pasi nemaoko uku vakatsika nezvigunwe zvemakumbo, zviya zvinoitwa vanoita mapush ups. Chandakange ndazvitangirawo.

He forcefully pushed the penis in, slicing apart my vagina, force opening the mouth of my ovary and kwayanga yave I can’t explain. Ndakachemerera nekunakirwa asi zvainge zvave neka piain. He hammered it in even harder and harder machende airova mukosho zvaitekenyedza, muviri wavo was getting stiffer and stiffer. Ndopandinozovhara munhu nzeve nezvitsitsinho ini kana padai, but he was clever enough to keep pressing my legs down nemaoko ake. Iyi yaitofanira kunzi prison style not advanced missionary.

Akaita kunge akuimbimbirira nevoice remunhu akurarisa mwana. I did not listen him for long because I was also screaming and squirting at the same time. Buri rino controller muviri wese. Ndakanzwa sweetie!! Lovie!! Ook come!!! On!! Fuck!! Me!!! Ohhh!!! I could feel his cum banana richisvipira uronyo muchibereko, unusual warmth nekakunyerekedza zvakazadza chiberekochangu.

Finally I had managed to reach the finishing point. Akandiregedza makumbo bit by bit and brought them to the ground, but iye achingopfanhura pfanhura kunge chimhuka chachekwa musoro asi zvainaka . For a minute or so he was caressing my hair, his sweating adding to soak my body, ndaitoitawo kunge munhu anaiwa, kana abuda mushawa asina kupukuta. He pulled off and buri rakaresponda kuti panechavhomorwa umu. I could feel sperms flowing right from inside. He thanked for the treat and I did the same too.

Ndakarara flat pa carpet listening to my womb, munekakutekenyedzwa kainakidzira nekudziya like something was moving inside. Ndakambokwirwa naTrevor ndikakwirwa nebrother yake but handina kumbonzwa this feeling yekuti unongoramba uchinakirwa long after bonde.

Clothes scattered in the room, a once nicely decorate table now zvinhu zvarumwe rumwe. Matable cloth ati bvuu pasi, machair imwe yave uko iwmwe uko, Charlie akarara musoro uri pasi pechair in his birth suit. Iniwo musoro uripadoor remukitachen. Ndosituation yandakasangana nayo pandakapepuka, kutarisa time dzange dzave 0300hrs.

Ndakamutsa babumunini ndikati handei tinorara. We passed through the bath. He scrubbed me and I did the same exchanging words of pleasantries. Ndakazovati bamunini you are a suspect sei musina kukurumidza kutunda yet maiti you don’t know the last time you had bonde.

Zvikanzi, ndatunda ndichangoisa musoro and zvaitozondimakisa saka ndaramba ndiri focused kusvika ndapicker, besides you were too hot maiguru.. ndakavarova kambama ndikati you are such a darling who knows how to treat a woman..but ummm mange mandiuraya nekunaka mukanya. We embraced each other and shared the same bed for the first time, and that’s how I became his wife.

But kana Trevor akadzoka hameno kuti ndichaita sei? what is your advise ndingaite sei ngatiti adzoka?

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