Saturday 28 May 2016

He Is Definitely Cheating On You - Check It! Is He Not Behaving Like This?

Some guys are unfaithful to their partners for different reasons, but the signs of cheating are universal. Is your relationship getting colder? Does he suddenly wants space and privacy? It might be an indication that he has another women.

You need to be aware of those things and to give you a hint, below are 13 signs that your man is cheating on you. Some are obvious while others not. Just remember, any one sign by itself is not nearly as compelling as several or a pattern.cheating-boyfriend
1. His mood changes quickly. 
This might be the result of him being conflicted: being with you but wanting to spend time with the new woman. Naturally it will lead to frustration, moodiness, and even anger. He may even start fights in an effort to sabotage your relationship (there’s no real reason for him to leave, so he has to create one).

2. He deviates from his baseline behavior.

People have patterns to their behaviors and after spending time with someone for a number of months/years, you’ll know what their typical behavior is. When there’s a gross distraction such as an affair, patterns will change. You know how they will act in certain situations and when they act differently, there has to be an explanation. It could be something else real and tangible — but if not, this could indicate he is cheating.

3. He has sudden change in his appearance.

Does his look changed rapidly? Is he getting in shape? Or developed a new taste in clothing and style? These changes must be a sign that a guy is cheating. Mostly men want to look fresh and new to impress a girl. It’s the body’s primal means of preparing for courtship or attracting a mate. In addition, they start taking much better care of themselves and take a lot of pride in their appearance. He’s suddenly pressing his clothes, coiffing his hair and shaving daily which he didn’t do before … especially when leaving the house without you.

4. He has an overnight change in musical taste.  

There’s nothing wrong with trying new things. But when it’s out of the blue and your significant other isn’t exposed to the change, it’s a warning sign that something is amiss.

5. He becomes a shitty communicator.  

Ever wondering why It takes forever for him to text you back? That’s because he’s texting countless other girls, so it takes a while for him to get back to you. The worst part is, you can’t even get in touch with him like His phone battery seems to die more than the average person’s, making him unreachable for extended periods of time. He message and talks to you less frequently. Why? Is there something wrong with his phone? None, his just too busy talking to his new bitch.

6. He’s acting distant and makes too much excuses. 

Does He has stopped inviting you to join him in his favorite hangouts and activities? If you’re not going with him, who is? If he has lesser time for you (or from little to no time), cancelling your plans repeatedly, and always has an excuse why he can’t meet up with you, this is an obvious sign that he is trying to pull away from you. Why? because he’s spending his time with someone else!

7. He needs lots of privacy and became very secretive 

To take time for one’s self is normal. But when there is an abrupt change in his privacy concerns and it is out of the normal pattern then it’s a sign that something else is going on. Suddenly he wants to do things alone, like shopping by himself, leaving alone at night, and doesnt want you to touch any of his things. Another red flag is when most of his technologies are password protected and he has set a new password on his smartphone,computer,even bank accounts, and most of all his “social media” ones. You must pay attention to those new email he is creating and multiple accounts on Facebook.

8. He is too attached to his phone. 

He takes his phone with him everywhere even at the bathroom and every time you want to check it he freaks out. He is also taking lots of private calls from a “relative” (mom, sister, someone untraceable which is obvious from another girl) and guarded his precious device like it’s going to be stolen. This is a sign that he is hiding something in there. When your together and He puts his phone on airplane mode (so that you can’t see incoming texts ang calls) that’s a real time to investigate.

9. He remembers things wrong and confuses information. 

Apparently a cheating boyfriend mostly confuses information. For example, “Didn’t we dine here?” is a clear indicator he’s been there before and not with you. His points of reference are blurred as time spent with you are confused with time spent with the other woman. He also became suddenly insensitive, like he totally forgets schedules and plans.

10. There is a sudden change in your sexual activity. 

This one is tricky. You might see a complete withdrawal from sex or you might see him initiating it more. He might feel an extra charge of testosterone and confidence as a result of his new flame and feel the need to discharge it with you. On the other way around he may become less aggressive in bed because of the fact that he is thinking the other woman.

11. He doesn’t want to take you out anymore. 

This could be another sign when he doesn’t want to take you out anymore, specially in public places – a date or even just going to the mall. Why? Because of the fear of being caught.

12. There is more responsibilities and overtime at work. 

Never assume that just because he’s staying late at work, he’s cheating. But if you have ruled out other options and can’t see any other reasons for why he’s unreachable at work, the unexplained meetings and sudden business trips, it’s time to find out what’s happening. The simplest way to find out the truth? Check his salary stub. If he has indeed been working overtime, his salary stub will show it. So get a hold of it and you might just be able to catch him cheating on you.

13. He lies and does it well. 

Cheating guys are great liars.  You must find a way to catch him in his lying games.

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